catalyzing emission-free cities and rural communities

This site is dedicated to catalyzing emission-free cities and rural communities through least-cost-and-risk energy services over their lifecycle. ASSETs for Life is meant to trigger multiple interpretations.

ASSETs for Life is meant to trigger multiple interpretations

By definition, assets are useful or valuable qualities, persons, or things; an advantage or resource. Assets are associated with various forms of capital – human, social, civic, natural, spiritual and financial. By far the largest energy asset available to the planet is the Sun.
Customer focused
Value oriented
Quality obsessed
People centric
What we do

Deliver virtually all of humanity's energy needs virtually

experience excellence

Deliver virtually all of humanity's energy needs virtually emission-free

ASSETs for Life alludes to health, well-being and prosperous living conditions for people and the planet’s biodiversity, now and for generations to come. It is also an acronym that stands for “Apps for Spurring Solar and Efficiency Tech-knowledge.” Apps created in a self-organized manner by ad hoc assemblages of self-motivated individuals geographically dispersed around the world.

Passion is what drives us

Create a innovation networks or collective intelligence networks (COINs) focused on achieving a specific goal or mission. 

Our Mission

Show cities and rural communities how to secure emission-free
local economies

Emission-free cities are attainable through the integration of continuous efficiency improvements in all energy, water and resource using devices, along with solar and wind power. Modest amounts of other renewables (water, geothermal, biowastes) will provide remaining sums to attain 100% emission-free energy system. Here are some details.

Assets for Life promises a quality service from the outset